Transaction fatigue has set in (finally) after 4 months of working on the same project day in night out. Today no signing? Tomorrow. Tomorrow no signing? Day after. Day after no signing? Day after that. And every day we amend and turnaround a new set of documents. It's the daily SPA. 4 - 6 hour telephone conferences during the day, and nights of frantically amending the same documents over and over and over and over and over again. I wonder if I insert a little joke into the proviso to Clause 6.2(e)(i)(aa)(B), will anyone notice.
Friday night we were in the office till 6 am Saturday, went home, slept, bathed, changed, returned to office at 9 am for a telephone conference, went home, amended and turned around the draft Saturday night, Sunday afternoon telephone conference, amended the draft and circulated on Sunday night. Monday morning .... and so on and so forth. The focal point of my life has dwindled to a stack of draft documents. I play with my son and wonder about whether we need to add some words to the non-compete, just to be sure. As soon as my son is preoccupied with his toys, I sneak off to the study to make some more amendments to the draft, with the clock in my head ticking away madly because everything is NOW NOW NOW.
I think yesterday I forgot to pee. Then I remembered, and then on the way out to the bathroom, the phone rang. 2 hours later, I remembered again, and this time I made it a point to go.
And through all this, I can't help but notice I'm having an easy time of it. After all, no matter what day and what time I call the investment bankers, they are always in the office. Once I tried calling the most junior member of the team at 4.30 am on a Sunday morning, on his office DID. He picked up and spoke like it was 4.30 in the afternoon. How he has not lost it completely by now is beyond me.
Have become a total bore. I have nothing to say to anyone who is not working on this transaction that could possibly be of any interest to them. Had lunch today with 3 friends. Racked my brains. Then talked about the different methods of formatting agreements so that we can enjoy auto-cross-referencing, and how to handle auto-numbering in stupid Word for Windows which frankly is the worst invention EVER. How do I describe Word for Windows. It's a hyperactive autistic sadist. If I see that stupid smiling paper clip again, or that retarded little dog, I am going to hurl my monitor out the window. When will MS get it into their heads that they should just bring back WordPerfect 5.1.