Local Woman Accidentally Proves To Employer That Any 16-Year Old Can Do Her Job
So we have 2 16-year old interns with us this week, and to prove that they are really that young, I can confirm that their underwear band is higher than their pants. I simply cannot understand what it is with all the underwear bands peeking above the pants. My son does that because we like to pull his diaper up to his armpits to prevent leakage but I don't think these 2 have the same reasoning.
Anyway. They got in on Monday which was a crazy, crazy day and I decided to find out what happens if you simply give them the work with some vague guidelines and a very very tight deadline. Someone was retrenching and they helped me to prepare the retrenchment letters.
Aside from the fact that they got the employer and employee mixed up, and the letters effectively had the employee firing the employer, the rest of it was pretty much what we needed. Surprise surprise! Any 2 16-year olds can do my work!
In other news, I've discovered that the sound of typing and my voice giving legal advice on the telephone will put The Son to sleep in 15 minutes. He came over to the office last Friday afternoon for a brief visit, which became a longer visit when he unexpectedly fell asleep on the floor after I turned away for a few minutes to take a call. So it turns out that my advice does not only have a somnambulistic effect on my clients after all. It also works on babies and young children. Interesting! (no pun intended).
The Husband thinks it's because the sounds of typing on a keyboard and my voice rambling on and on brings The Son back to his gestation period, when he was forced to listen to it for 8.5 months before he finally escaped. I guess that could also be why I tend to pass out when I hear older women speaking in rapid Cantonese. My mother and her sisters can talk A LOT and loudly too.