Local Woman Finds Satan in Family Tree
A cousin and I who just reconnected after 17 years were comparing our respective memories of various relatives, all on my dad's side of the family. It is a little bit startling when one is doing an inventory of the fambly tree to look closer in the branches and find Satan ensconced in there, in the form of one of my aunts. Who'd've thought. The Husband thinks that it should be more appropriately classified as Satan's Evil Handmaiden, but that's just semantics.
This is the same one who told me when I was 9 that the only reason my parents got married is because my mom got pregnant with me.
So it appears that she also told my uncle, her brother, that he was illegitimate, that my Grandfather was not his biological father as he had believed for, um, his whole life. It could possibly be regarded as a well-meaning statement if not for the fact that she told him this just after his biological father had passed away.
And to top things off, when my dad got ill and needed a bone marrow transplant, she turned out to be the only match, due to the fact that my poor illegitimate uncle was now out of the running. And she refused to donate squat. Because she was scared of the pain.
So my dad passed away. Guess who was at the funeral, chatting away with guests like nothing had happened? The Husband reminded me that she told the rest of the mourners that she was solely responsible for saving my dad's soul, as she was the one who had convinced him to convert to Christ just before he passed away.
Now if that's not Satan, I don't know who is.
wah this woman win already lor
fwah wat a totally self-centred/selfish person ... how can she flatly refuse to help her own sibling when it's a life and death issue?
Hi Anonymous, it's simple. This Auntie thinks that by being Christian, she will be forgiven by her Maker, go to heaven and that all her sins will be absolved. Similarly, her bro will achieve eternal peace.
I'm so sory to hear that, smootie.
If it is any consolation, there is probably a Satan in every family. My aunt told my mum she was guilty of causing my grand parents' and dad's death cos she was too cheapo to cook good food for them. WTF! She was talking to a woman who cook them daily meal when she has never even cooked a single meal for them herself. Then, at every single funeral, she told everyone that she is the most pitiful soul on earth cos she lost her closest kins & how every soul on earth is out to bully her. WTF!
Oh! And she used to tell me I am brought home from the rubbish dump & the real world (including cousin's wife) that my eldest cousin raped her when they were young.
Satan is prob. not in her league.
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Agree with Anonymous-- there's a Satan in every family.
.... sounds like you need to put a contract out on her .... (you know ... not a legal one; mafia style ... you'd be doing her a favour, - she'd meet her maker sooner, and the world'd be no worse off!)
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الحشرات تكثر الحشرات في الدول العربيّة بسبب ارتفاع درجات الحرارة وارتفاع نسبة الرطوبة في العديد من المناطق التي تطلّ على المسطّحات المائية، وتُسبّب تلك الحشرات والآفات الكثير من الضرر في حال تواجدها في المنازل أو منشآت الأعمال، خاصّةً التي تختصّ بالمنتجات الغذائية، ومن أهمّ المشاكل التي تسبّبها الحشرات في المنازل الأمراض التي تصيب قاطني المنزل خاصّةً الأطفال، والعفونة التي تصيب الأثاث والملابس المحفوظة في الخزائن.
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