Monday, November 23, 2009

You did what

I get a huge amount of grief from my ability to remember numbers, which has a very bad knock-on effect on my ability to remember birthdays, so I suppose it was only a matter of time before I forgot my own birthday.

So it's a good thing The Husband reminded me last evening. I can't imagine the internal discussion that would have transpired if I suddenly remembered my own birthday days/ weeks after it had passed. How long would I hold the grudge against myself?

I suppose as we get older, birthdays become less important and this process becomes accelerated if we are not really a party animal. I do also have a phobia of organising parties but that's just another tragic story for another time. Anyway, it does not impact my ability to attend and/or crash another person's party (she said, quickly).

It appears I'm not the only one to forget my birthday since my employer has also taken the liberty of organising a client lunch for me on that date. In passive-aggressive style, I asked my boss if the client lunch was just a cover story for my surprise birthday party. No, it isn't, he said, after he called to congratulate me on finally reaching the ripe old age of 27.

But do I get to choose the restaurant? I said, determined to salvage something out of a bad situation.

Er no, said he. The client will pick.


  1. Anonymous5:01 PM

    27 Hahahahahahaahahahahahah ... Ok. If you say so .... Had to pick myself from off the floor.

  2. earthtone7:09 PM

    27? got . next lifetime..;)

  3. 27??? You only look 24 ;)

    HB Smoot!

  4. Anonymous10:36 PM

    happy birthday...hope the family made it fun!

    i did an all-nighter on my bday last year (and I am not young)....that felt really pathetic

  5. happy birthday! I remembered! ;p

  6. Anonymous2:51 AM

    It is understood and agreed that the birthday girl gets to be 27 every year and the client will pick up the tab for the meal on the special day.

    Cheers and happy birthday!

  7. happy birthday!!! :)

  8. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Happy Birthday! 23 Nov? Its just a day after mine! :D

    ~ inex

  9. "if we are not really a party animal [sic]."

    Hmm, plurality mismatch: obviously you are not good with numbers. Or did you already say that?

    Or is that the Royal We?

    Happy Birthday - I will celebrate by giving the hubby a thrashing in the game of D&D on Sunday.
