Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Ten More Times

I read somewhere that it's possible to like any food if you eat it 11 times.

Following some glowing accounts of the yumminess of bitter gourd, I decided against my better instincts to give it a shot and so replaced my usual helping of pig skin in my yong tau foo with a slice of bitter gourd.

It was so bitter I almost got cramps.


  1. bitter gourd is supposed to be very healthy you know.


  2. Ugh. What I can say is it made the rest of the yong tau foo taste great, including the tau foo which I always eat last because it's so tasteless.

  3. Anonymous4:49 AM

    bittergourd is definitely an acquired taste. i remember i hated it as a kid but somehow started liking it as i got older. i like it when it's cooked with egg. the egg sweetens it a bit.

    in other news, am getting a bit tired of this nom de plume. must think up new nickname to sign off with :))

  4. I understand from all sources that it really is an acquired taste, just like raw unripe pineapple with balsamic vinegar (wow just thinking of that makes my throat close up in horror). A Thai-Chinese girl I met once says that the balsamic vinegar makes the pineapple taste really sweet. Ugh.

    Incidentally the pineapple/vinegar thing is supposed to be excellent for cleansing the digestive system and promoting, uh, regular deliveries of the, uh, mail.
